Major Arcana is the third release in a new series of digital artworks for Sam Lamar and Kannibalen Records. Inspired by the imagery of the tarot card, The Hierophant, is the lead single from the forthcoming EP "Major Arcana: Origins". The artwork features a voodoo queen at her throne, along with three crowns, the skulls of her predecessors, golden staff and more. All objects developed and renders within the Adobe ecosphere, Dimensions & Photoshop. Stock photo of model acquired from Adobe Stock.

Art Direction: Marc LaTulippe
Graphic Design & Digital Art: Marc LaTulippe
Skull OBJ: Billelis Skull Pack Model 2
Client: Kannibalen Records & Courage Productions

Tools: Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Dimension, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Stock

Single Artwork and EP Artwork

Alternative Layout for EP release

Promotional Banner Montage

Elements - Adobe Dimension renders, edited with Photoshop
Model - Stock photography from Adobe Stock

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